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ダヴ・オリヴィア・キャメロン({{lang-en-short|Dove Olivia Cameron}}http://dove-cameron.org/dove/ Dove Cameron profile, dove-cameron.org; retrieved August 18,, 2014{{cite web |title=Instagram: Dove Cameron (official account)|url=http://instagram.com/p/r3IzUzpBlW|date=August 18, 2014|accessdate=2014-08-18|quote=So. I just wanted to take this time to explain my name I all of you lovelies, because I have seen that there is quite a bit of confusion. My birth name is Chloe. But my daddy called me Dove/Dovey as a nickname since I was very small; just over a year old. As some of you know, my father passed away a few years ago, right around the time I started acting. So, I decided to change it legally in honor of him, which gives me great joy every day that I was able to do something so lasting and permanent to pay homage to his memory. But I still go by Chloe to some family members and Ryan. And some Starbucks employees. So Dove is not a stage name, it's actually a name that means a lot to me for many reasons. I Love you all! Happy Monday! Xx.}}、本名: クロエ・セレステ・ホスターマン、{{lang-en-short|Chloe Celeste Hosterman}}、1996年1月15日{{cite web |title=Twitter: Dove Cameron (verified account)|url=https://twitter.com/DoveCameron/status/416702545650655233 |date=December 27, 2013|accessdate=2013-12-28|quote=Just wanted to set this straight: I see literally everywhere that my birthday is January 14. It's January Fifteenth, my loves! Happy Friday!}} - )は、アメリカ合衆国の俳優|女優、歌手。

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